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​Join FlexiO today:

Chairman of the board

Alexander Dewulf

Director of the board

Philippe Jadoul

Director of the board

Paul Matthijs

Director of the board

Jean-Nicolas Lunden

Our mission

FlexiO is committed to optimizing energy flexibility and unlocking end-user flexibility to help stabilize electricity grids, which is the key to a sustainable future.


With our profound expertise in energy systems, software engineering, battery technology, IoT, and data analysis, we work on innovative solutions that promote the transition to sustainable energy sources.

Learn more

Meet the Team

Together, we create the necessary impact for a better future, developing technology for #renewableenergy #energystorage #gridbalancing.

Wim Croes

Account Executive

Hugo De Maertelaere

Account Executive

Johannes Lievens

Account Manager

Ian Beyst

Algorithm Architect

Jeroen Ceuppens


Yannick van Godtsenhoven

Application Developer & Architect

Alexandra Verbrugge

Business Development Manager

Dries Bols

CEO, Product Architect

António Dias

Chief Cloud, Data & IoT

Peter Tettelaar

Cloud Integration & IoT Specialist

David Schroons

ComOps Manager

Jérémy Bailleux

EMS developer

Marianne Bosch

Front Office Assistant

Hilde Lipkens

HR Manager

Shayni Huybrechts


Loïc De Decker

Operations Manager

Dennis Celen

Product Developer

Jan Fabry

Software Developer

João Mário Domingos

Software Engineer

Mahmoud Al Azzawi

Software Engineer

Daniel Teixeira

System Integration Engineer

Rui Palma

System Integration Engineer

We are LIFEPOWR, a scale-up from Antwerp consisting of 22 energetic colleagues who are building the energy system of tomorrow together. Our expertise lies in smart solutions for energy problems.


Due to the increasing number of solar panel installations, our electricity grid is becoming saturated and increasingly unbalanced. Consequently, simply investing in a solar panel installation doesn't hold much value anymore. Smart combinations with flexible solutions are the future of solar energy, benefiting both society and people who invest in them. That's why, as an energy service provider, we focus on flexibility, which in turn translates into valuable stability for the energy grid.


How do we achieve this? By creating a market where end-users can contribute to balancing the energy grid. Previously, this was reserved for large power plants, but thanks to our digital energy hub FlexiO, end-users can now also play a role. Additionally, besides saving on the energy bill, this also generates extra income for the end-user.

Our story

​LIFEPOWR is experiencing technical issues with both mobile app and an app. Your installation is still controlled correctly by FlexiO. We are doing everything we can to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

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